About Us
As a high school student, Mitch was already training quarter
horses…specifically Sassy, a buckskin Dandys Dee Bar mare. Sure, there were other horses, but there was
something special about this mare, who has continued her career as a wonderful
broodmare. Growing up, many trips were
taken to Lawrence Hansch and Dave Fairchild’s facilities for lessons.
Time marched on, and Mitch worked as assistant trainer with Jason Roll at Doug Jacobs Quarter Horses. Eventually, Mitch moved on and also worked with Dick and Stephanie Meyer, Jay Jordan, and most recently Troy Compton.

Mitch has worked with everything from yearlings training for
longe line futurity classes to starting and finishing 2-3 year old western
pleasure futurity horses. He has worked
with customers of all ages and also crossed over into buckskin, palomino and
paint shows. Mitch has won multiple champion
and reserve champions at futurities and shows such as the NSBA World Show, Palomino World Show, Buckskin World Show,
Southern Belle, The Silver Classic (Nebraska) and Iowa Futurity, as well as Top 5 and 10 placings at the All American Quarter Horse Congress. Most recently Adkins has had much success with Blue N Lucky Too in both pleasure and trail classes. Mitch enjoys the challenges of starting colts
and celebrating their success as they go on to become great show horses. In addition to training horses raised by the
family, Mitch also trains and shows customer horses. Please contact Mitch for details regarding